hello dear readers & friends.
What have you been doing in the past two weeks?
me & my brother got sick.
Feeling very unwell especially having the bad cough. >.<
so guys, please drink less ice, softdrink & drink plenty of water,
take more healthy natural food like Veges & fruits ♥
my drinks recently >.<
Bird nest: Asian Beuaty Secret!
Guess i want to do the Bird Nest Business in the near future!^^
Guess i want to do the Bird Nest Business in the near future!^^
My new downloaded Apps:
Weibo: BrandyAkiko
It's fun & there are so alot of famous & popular people like Singer, Actors, even the Politicians.. etc.
The pictures recently posted on Weibo.

my Cousins' son & daughter.
they are so adorable!! Huuuu... so so envy!
wish i have my own soon?
MidAutumn Festival.
Yes i made all these little mooncakes for my family &
Wish all of You had a Great one too!
My dad just told me:
Do not use any emotions or Feeling in Business or investment.
I'm learning it & i wanna be Stronger & Stronger!
how do You like my Bunny teeth??
pretty picture :)
哇老~! 月饼看起来好好样.. 加油呀bb
as usual..so many raya open house invitations..so asking what im doing for these two weeks...eat, eat and eat meh.. =p pity you on hearing that u r sick..just eat healthy food and dont eat the medicine too much OK..or u'll addict to it =) even that u r sick,still get hot in pictures meh =p and i always knew that u r a stronger cute bunny..LoL =) muahx!!
synchozen! how are you doing?
i am recovered from sick! im now very Genki =) i got your email! thank u
wish you happy everyday!
Just pass by and have a look at ur blog. Is fantastic. Fully agree with ur dad's words.(^ ^)
Pretty bunny teeth!!! Awesome smile. :-) :-) :-)
you should try twitter instead of weibo
hi.. i am Melvin Hong ..from USJ, Malaysia... i am glad to know you
you can visit my page at https://www.facebook.com/melvinhong77
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